Our tensegral bodies with Cate Vallone
May 21, 2017 @ 3:00 pm
Fascia is the soft tissue component of the connective tissue system of the body. Although often thought of as “packing peanuts” that create a buffer between other structures in the body, as an organ system it is so much more. It is the organ that gives us shape, transmits force throughout the body to distribute and reduce strain, and is a communication system that connects all the other organ systems and confers, amongst other things, information about our balance, environment, and cues from inside our body about digestion and respiration.
Learn more about your fascial network and how it relates to movement and posture as part of it’s overall health and function. Cate will share gentle techniques to improve awareness of the system and ways to condition it to reduce pain and soreness in muscles, improve respiration, and stamina, and regain the spring to your step.
Registration goes live April 21.