Eat Well with Chef Amelia Lord
January 25, 2020 @ 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
| $75This is the first event in our year-long series based on the book, Undo It! How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases by Anne and Dean Ornish.
Join us for an afternoon of exploring pleasure, celebration, and joy through all the steps of creating a meal. This is a cooking class, but it’s also not. We will learn new techniques, foundational skills, and basic tips to elevate our daily meals. We will chop and stir and scrape. We will eat something delicious at the end. Primarily, though, this is an afternoon of gathering. Building connections and community. It is a conversation about improvisation and acceptance in our lives with food as the vehicle for reflection. How do we use our intuition as guiding principles in all our pursuits? How can we stretch our awareness out into this present moment? How can we build our spiritual connections? Practicing approval of ourselves and others is a revolutionary act and we can begin in the kitchen.
To learn more about Chef Amelia, click here.