Joyful Eating: A Left to Right Brain Journey with Sally Wallace Lynch
April 29, 2018 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
| $35In a world of Weight Watchers and Fit Bits, have we lost touch with our deep, nourishing, and very personal connection to food? Have we boxed ourselves into other people’s eating and exercise beliefs that have limited or disempowered us? Do you count calories? Or steps? Or scale numbers? Or carb grams? Do you worry about food? Are you “Paleo” or “Keto” or “Vegan”? Do you swing from one dietary trend to the next, on a bumpy ride of varied and confusing food beliefs? Well, it’s time to stop shopping someone else’s messaging.
Join us as we journey into the history of dieting, and how we arrived to where we are today. Allow yourself the afternoon to suspend all food and body image beliefs and to find your nourishing voice – the one intimately connected to your body – that guides you in a way that no one else can.
You are not what you eat. You are a unique soul who happens also to eat.
Sally Wallace Lynch has been a nutritionist, lover and analyzer of food for most of her life. Her interest in nutrition was sparked when her dad was diagnosed with cancer when she was 13 years old. Hoping to “fix” him, she took a deep dive into the world of nutritional science that brought her varied educational and professional experiences. From the villages of Papua New Guinea, where she worked as a nutritionist in the Peace Corps to UCONN Health Center carrying out a soy study on bone loss in post-menopausal women to weight loss counseling to the food business to selling supplements to finally, today, writing about nutrition, her path has been consistently nutrition-focused. Her biggest “learn”? The people creating our food messages are just regular people, and that we have to be mindful when entrusting ourselves with their ideas.