The Remedy of Ritual
August 4, 2019 @ 10:30 am - 1:30 pm
Join us on a plant walk to celebrate the sweet hum of the end of summer. We will learn plant identification, some home apothecary tips, and how to tap into intuition when working with plant medicine. Interacting with the natural world and spending time with plant allies is an opportunity to experience life outside our modes of default. We can engage with the moment and utilize our senses to recharge the nervous system. This act of wandering helps us create sacred space; allowing us to tune into self, hear and honor the body, and experience greater resilience and joy in this world.
Emma Broadhurst is an herbalist and student of the healing arts. She loves to match people with plants, and believes in the power of food as medicine, intention, connection, and community. Her work is fueled by her background in psychology and her appreciation for the interconnectedness of mind and body. You can find her making herbal formulas for imbibing and adorning, reading poetry, writing about spirit and dreams, and learning all she can about how to live more intimately within the patterns and rhythms of the natural world. See more at https://connectedkitchen.bigcartel.com