October is National Chiropractic Month. This year, the focus is #painfreenation. Here are my thoughts on when and why you should see a chiropractor.

Chiropractic is a conservative approach to healthcare. We are physician-level providers trained to evaluate, triage, and manage neuromusculoskeletal conditions. While most chiropractors specialize in disorders of the spine and extremities, some chiropractors have completed post-graduate training and are board certified specialists in imaging, pediatrics, sports medicine, orthopedics, functional medicine and neurology, and rehabilitation.

As entry-level and conservative providers, chiropractors can be the first step in your care. They can provide a diagnosis and initiate a trial of non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical treatment.

Your body is moving poorly or in a different way than it once did. This, not pain, should be the most common reason you choose to see a chiropractor. This can occur for several reasons: chronic overuse syndromes or compensatory body mechanics can result in joint restrictions, muscular hypertrophy or atrophy. Your chiropractor will do a thorough examination and propose a management strategy to habilitate or rehabilitate your body. The first time you experience an altered sensation in your body, note it. Has your jaw suddenly started clicking when your chew? Are you having difficulty turning your head while driving? The second time, try to put it in context, is this the same thing you were doing the first time you experienced it? If it happens a third time, head to your chiropractor to see what’s going on.

You’re in pain. The most common reason people tend to seek us out is when they’re in pain. And unfortunately, often when they’ve been in pain for a long time and exhausted several other options. Your chiropractor should do a comprehensive evaluation to help identify the cause of your pain, rule out systemic or traumatic etiology, establish that your condition is amenable to chiropractic care, and then outline a management strategy. Chiropractors have several evidenced-based tools in their arsenal to address your pain without the use of pharmaceutical or over-the-counter pain medications. These can range from various manual treatment techniques to therapeutic laser and can to help mitigate or eliminate your pain.

You’ve injured yourself. If you’ve had a fall or felt sharp twinge while reaching for an object or lifting something, you may consider going to see a chiropractor. Your chiropractor can provide an initial evaluation and determine whether or not to refer you for imaging or to a specialist. In the case of a major injury, loss of blood, consciousness, or suspected fracture or dislocation, head to the emergency room. If appropriate, you can then followup with a chiropractor with the report and copy of the imaging results from the ER for further treatment.

Often pain and injury are predictive of future pain and injury. Chiropractors can be an ideal first-line of defense. They can rule in or out the need for imaging or more invasive treatment and can work with you and your other health care providers to identify preventative strategies to keep you moving well and feeling great.