Prevention isn’t always possible

Both professionally and personally, prevention is my goal. I’ve always thought it much easier to stave off problems than wait until we’ve devolved into chaos.

For many of us, however, the nature of our jobs, hobbies, genetic predisposition, and of course life in general means that we can’t always prevent sickness or injury. However, preventative strategies support good healing. Maintaining good movement, rest, nutrition, and hydration at all times will facilitate your body’s resilience if and when crisis strikes.

Have a team

It is so much easier to weather an injury if you feel as though you have a team of practitioners you trust. 

I rely on a multidisciplinary approach for all my healthcare needs, starting conservatively whenever possible and progressing as needed.

I also check in with most of my team fairly regularly to maintain a happy body before crisis strikes.

Be thoughtful about your symptom management

Resolving symptoms is always a priority, however, it’s important to do so in ways that support the body’s healing process and give you information about your body’s progress. With a musculoskeletal injury, I try not to suppress my pain in moments when I could further injure myself and therefore rely on herbal, nutritional, and homeopathic remedies that support my body’s healing instead of pain medications that are tough on my liver and don’t allow me to feel what’s going on in my body.

It’s helpful to keep in mind a few major stages

  • Diagnosis: figure out what’s going on, a reasonable time frame for healing, and an appropriate management strategy.
  • Symptom management and health support: do all that you’re able to support yourself as you heal. Follow the recommended treatment regime and bolster your body’s healing reserves with ample water intake, nutritive food, and extra rest – both at night as well as with appropriate modification of your usual activity level.
  • Get back to normal: help your body transition from it’s compromised state and begin reintroducing normal movements and activities. This is an important step to allow your body to fully integrate healing and prevent recurrence.

Often pain and injury are predictive of future pain and injury. Chiropractors can be an ideal first-line of defense. They can rule in or out the need for imaging or more invasive treatment and can work with you and your other health care providers to support your healing and help you identify preventative strategies to keep you moving well and feeling great.