I’m finally back to running after a many-year hiatus.

I took my return seriously, consulting with my chiropractor and pilates instructor, getting fitted for shoes appropriate for my stride at Fleet Feet, and finally using the GPS watch I’d stolen from my husband for it’s intended purpose – tracking runs!

It occurred to me while running this morning, that my fitness routine has often complemented my emotional and spiritual goals.

I first started exercising regularly in my mid-twenties at a time of overwhelm for body and soul. At that time, I needed an outlet, I needed to build discipline and endurance.

Since I started that journey almost 10 years ago, I’ve explored many forms of exercise.

I began with classes at the local YMCA. The variety and introductory nature allowed me to learn to trust my body. From there I explored more focused endeavors. I first started running with one of the instructors from the Y. I had always held running to be an inordinately punishing activity, but I came to enjoy my time outside. I was in awe of it all: my body’s strength and ability, the expanse and beauty of my neighborhood,  and the deep-seated triumph that settled in at the end of every run. At my peak, I even ran a half-marathon, something I’d never have fathomed accomplishing.

I’m resuming running now at a time when I feel better able to direct my personal goals and less dependent on the formality of a class structure to motivate me. I feel strong and flexible enough to build endurance and I crave a regular routine in nature.

It’s good to listen to your body, to allow it to grow and shift as need be.